About Us


In the early 80’s there were very few Asian physicians in the state of Georgia. For friendship and communication, they started meeting in their homes. At the beginning of 90’s, The Chinese Medical Association of Atlanta was established. Dr. Luke S.C. Chang was the first President. Its members included physicians, pharmacists, registered nurse, respiratory therapists and other medical professionals. Now through the hard work of all its members and leaders, CMAATL has become the largest Asian medical association in the state. 

Board Members

Luke S.C. Chang, MD, FAAFP
Board President

Board Certified Family Medicine

Raymond C. Ho, MD, FAAP

Board Certified Family Medicine

Dong Wang, MD

Board Certified Neurologist


Grace Q. Chai, MD

Board Certified Family Medicine


Xuexin Tang, MD

Board Certified Family Medicine

Wang Shaoshan

Shaoshan Wang, MD

Board Certified Cardiologist

Xuan (Shirley) Cao, MD, Ph.D, FACOG
Specialist of OB-GYN
William Tung, MD, FAAN
Board Certified Neurologist
Jeff H. Ye, MD. Ph.D
Internal Medicine
Digestive Diseases Specialist
Qing Ni, MD
Board Certified Neurologist
Yi Feng, MD, Ph.D
Board Certified Oncologist
Willie Y.W. Chen, MD
Board Certified Ophthalmologist
Li Zuo, MD
Specialist in Allergy & Immunology
Fang Feng, MD
Board Certified Neurologist

Management Team

CMAATL management team includes President, Vice President, Treasure and Secretory. 

Lin Gao, M.D.

                 Lin Gao, M.D.


Di Ai, M.D., Ph. D.


Dandan Chen, M.D.

Vice President & Treasure

Charles Li, MD

Team Member

We Provide the Best Service to Chinese Community